How to enable the virtualisation on the Gigabyte motherboard?

Hi all

After the OS died, I reset the BIOS and it seems it reset the virtualisation.

How to enable the virtualisation on the Gigabyte motherboard?



Hi @valdyme

To enable virtualization on a Gigabyte motherboard, you will need to do the following steps:

  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS setup by pressing the appropriate key, which is usually the DEL key or the F2 key. The key to enter the BIOS setup may vary depending on your motherboard model and the manufacturer.
  2. In the BIOS setup, navigate to the “Advanced BIOS Features” or “Advanced” menu.
  3. Look for the “Virtualization Technology” or “Intel Virtualization Technology” option and set it to “Enabled”.
  4. Save the changes and exit the BIOS setup.
  5. Restart your computer and check if virtualization is now enabled.

Note: Some BIOS setups may have the virtualization option in a different menu or under a different name.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Wow, that was super helpful. I had no idea how to enable virtualization on my motherboard, but now I know exactly what to do. Thanks for the guidance :grinning: