Best calculator for SAT

I’m preparing for the SAT and have heard that using the right calculator can make a big difference in solving math problems efficiently.

Can anyone recommend the best calculator for the SAT?

Knowing why it’s suitable and how it can improve my test experience would be helpful.


When choosing the best calculator for the SAT, I recommend the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus or its updated version, the TI-84 Plus CE. These calculators are widely used, approved for the SAT, and offer excellent functionality for algebra, geometry, and even basic trigonometry. They have a user-friendly interface and enough features to handle complex calculations without overwhelming you with unnecessary extras.

Another good option is the Casio fx-9750GII. It is more affordable than the TI-84 models but still provides the essential features needed for the SAT. It’s lightweight, simple to use, and performs well for the test’s math section.

Practice with your calculator before the test to become comfortable with its functions and shortcuts. Familiarity can save you precious time during the exam and help you feel more confident. Avoid bringing calculators with features like a QWERTY keyboard or internet access, as they are not allowed.