Understanding the 7 Stages of Addiction: Can anyone shed light on this topic?

Hello everyone,

I recently came across the keyword phrase “7 stages of addiction” in a search engine, and it got me curious about this topic. I must admit that I’m not very well-versed in health-related matters, so I’d appreciate it if someone could shed some light on the subject.

What are the seven stages of addiction, and how do they relate to the broader field of health? Can anyone provide some insights or explanations on this topic? I’m eager to learn more and would love to hear from those with knowledge or experience in this area.

Your input is greatly appreciated!


Hi @jadewilliamsccode

The “7 stages of addiction” concept is a valuable framework for understanding the progression of substance or behavioural addiction. While these stages may vary slightly depending on the source, the following is a general outline of the stages commonly associated with addiction:

  1. Experimentation: This is the initial stage where an individual encounters the addictive substance or behaviour.
  2. Regular Use: In this stage, a person starts using the substance or engaging in the behaviour more regularly.
  3. Risky Use or Occasional Problems: At this point, risky use patterns become more apparent, and occasional problems may arise.
  4. Harmful Use or Problem Use: In this stage, the negative consequences of addiction become evident, affecting the individual’s health, relationships, and daily life.
  5. Dependency or Addiction: Dependency sets in, and the individual becomes physically and psychologically reliant on the substance or behaviour. Stopping is difficult and results in withdrawal symptoms.
  6. Tolerance and Escalation: As addiction progresses, individuals may build up a tolerance, requiring more substance or behaviour to achieve the same effects.
  7. Desperation and Total Loss of Control: At this stage, individuals experience a complete loss of control over their addiction. It can lead to devastating consequences in all aspects of their life.

Understanding these stages can be crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. However, it’s important to note that not all individuals will pass through each of these stages linearly, and addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue. Treatment and recovery are possible at any stage, but the earlier it’s addressed, the better the outcomes.

If you or someone you know is dealing with addiction, seeking professional help is highly recommended. Addiction is a treatable condition, and various resources are available to support individuals on their journey to recovery.